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  • Student Wellbeing | St Peter's

    Trust Respect Unity Excellence #TRUE Student Wellbeing Psychologist ​ School Psychologists support schools to meet the learning, social and emotional, and behavioural needs of students. They do this by working in collaboration with the School Leadership Team, staff members, caregivers, external agencies, and directly with students. School Psychologists work both directly and indirectly with the members of the school community. They work at both the individual, group, and system levels. ​ Tarryn Scher is our School Psychologist who works at the school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Due to the large size of the school, involvement of the School Psychologist for students is determined by the school’s Student Support Team and is based on school priority. If you feel your child may benefit from involvement from the School Psychologist, please discuss this with your child’s classroom teacher first and they will then follow up. Speech and OT Services ​ Hendercare Therapy Services ​ HenderCare is a therapy services team offering Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy onsite at St Peter’s Primary School, on Thursdays and Fridays. ​ HenderCare provides Speech and OT services to private paying families, as well as families accessing the NDIS, and we are looking forward to working collaboratively to support the students and families in our school. ​ Parents can complete the HenderCare Intake form via the link below: ​ Hendercare Intake Form

  • About Us | St Peter's

    Trust Respect Unity Excellence #TRUE Principal’s Welcome ​ We Inspire Students ​ Our core purpose as a school is to inspire our students to learn, achieve and to serve in truth. There is a striving to see beyond appearances to greater realities and true happiness. We are looking for each of our students to accept each challenge and complete each task successfully. As a school community, we are providing each of our children with an education that builds a platform for success. There are a wide range of quality educational opportunities that foster the spiritual, academic, physical and emotional/social development of our students. Specialist programs in Music, Physical Education, The Arts and Science enrich the curriculum that is delivered. Each student is known and cared for, and there is a recognition of each child’s unique qualities and abilities. The teaching and learning programs have an emphasis on deliberate and focused interventions for students. We cater for a diverse range of students with varying learning needs. There is a safe, caring and nurturing environment at St Peter’s that children can flourish in. ​ ​ We Partner with Parents ​ We value the partnership we have with parents to foster a healthy pattern of development in our students. Parents are encouraged to participate and be inv olved in the life of the school through class programs, canteen, sport and the Parents and Friends Association. St Peter’s benefits from the generous contribution of parents to school activities and St Peter’s is known for its strong and enduring community spirit. It is the lived experience of the members of the St Peter’s community that gives it an outstanding reputation for the quality of the edu cation environment that has been created and maintained at the schoo l. I commend our website to you and welcome you to the St Peter’s community. ​ Courtney Caputi, Principal Principal's Welcome About St Peter's ABOUT US St Peter’s is a co-educational primary school located in the Bedford/Inglewood area of Perth. The school has 750 students from Pre Kindy to Year 6 Read More... SCHOOL PROFILE St Peter’s School derives its strength from truth and honesty with God and one another Read More... SCHOOL HISTORY In the early 1920’s Archbishop Clune was approached in regards to the establishment of a Dominican Foundation in Perth Read More... SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL As we strive to help the school fulfill its educational responsibilities in accordance with the constitution, policies, guidelines and practices of CECWA Read More... PARENTS & FRIENDS St Peter’s Parents and Friends Association is focused on nurturing a strong community spirit by encouraging and supporting parental involvement Read More... OUR PARISH We are wholeherted in our efforts to assist our Parish to form in Christ a Catholic faith community guided by the Holy Spirit Read More...

  • Contact | St Peter's Primary

    Contact Us First Name Last Name Email Phone Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting! Notify School of Absence Phone Email Office Hours 8am - 4pm School Term Only

  • Before & After School Care | St Peter's

    Trust Respect Unity Excellence #TRUE Before & After School Care OSHCLUB – BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE: ​ We operate the Out of Hours Care Program at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School. ​ OSHClub provides high quality Before School Care, After School Care, Pupil Free Day and Vacation Care Program options for Primary aged children in a safe, fun and stimulating environment. ​ We pride ourselves on providing children with a fun experience that they will enjoy. From exciting activities and healthy, nutritious snacks to caring, motivated staff, the program meets all your children’s needs. ​ Enrol online and manage your bookings – ​ Email: ​ Program Phone Number: 0437 811 745 ​ Customer Service Number: 1300 395 735 ​ ​ The following Child Care Centres drop off and pick up students to and from St Peter’s Primary School. Please note that none of these centres are affiliated with our school and families are required to contact the centres direct. ​ Kids on Beaufort - Before and After School Care will cease on Friday 8 December 2023 : 3/908 Beaufort St, Inglewood, WA 6052. Phone: 9271 1917 Email: ​ Morley Out of School Care: Weld Square Primary School, Dorking Place, Morley, WA 6062. Phone: 9275 8887 Email:

  • Specialist Programs | St Peter's

    Trust Respect Unity Excellence #TRUE Science ​ Sc ience at St Peter's is taught following the guidelines of the Western Australian Curriculum. This subject provides opportunities to experience the joy of scientific discovery and nurtures students’ natural curiosity about the world around them. Our students develop critical and creative thinking skills, and challenge themselves to identify questions and draw evidence-based conclusions using scientific methods. Students explore and determine ways to understand our world under the overarching concepts of: Biological Science; Chemical Science; Earth and Space Science; and Physical Sciences. ​ Students develop an understanding of the following: important science concepts and processes; the practices used to develop scientific knowledge; the contribution of science to our culture and in our society; and the applications of science in our lives. Specialist Programs Music ​ St Peter’s offers a diverse and comprehensive program of music from Pre Primary to Year 6. The classroom program follows the guidelines of the Western Australian Curriculum with a keen focus on vocal, aural, and instrumental skills using a sequential, play-based approach. Composition and improvisation are also encouraged. The music program utilises Kodaly methodology, Orff Schulwerk and Musical Futures pedagogy and includes: Recorder in Year 3. Ukulele in Year 4. Keyboard and Guitar in Year 5. Bass Guitar and Drum-kit in Year 6. ​ Students may also choose to participate in our award-winning Choir, Concert Band, Guitar Ensemble, and Instrumental Program. Instruments on offer include: Classical Guitar Flute Clarinet Trumpet, Trombone, and Baritone Dance and Drama ​ We are excited to introduce Dance and Drama as a new specialist class this year! It is designed as an inclusive class for all students to develop new skills through the areas of Drama and Dance. This specialist area lends itself for all students to grow creatively, cooperatively and in confidence. In Dance and Drama lessons, students will participate in meaningful and engaging experiences that support development of problem solving and critical thinking. Physical Education ​ Students at St Peter’s participate in Physical Education lessons. The lessons teach the skills to be physically active within the school and outer school community. Pre Primary - Year Two students learn fundamental movement skills. Students perform these skills in minor game play. Year Three - Six students combine fundamental movement skills with learning sport specific strategies. Students practise these skills in modified games. Students learn how to participate in an ethically and fair competitive sporting environment by participating in Swimming, Cross-Country and Athletic Carnivals. Italian Italian at St Peter’s allows students to be exposed to both the language and culture. ​ Students learn by taking part in a variety of fun language games as well as in activities to broaden their Italian vocabulary knowledge. ​ Every year, St Peter’s hosts ‘Italian Week!’ This wonderful experience allows both students and staff to sample Italian food and participate in Italian craft activities. ​ Year 5 and 6 students enjoy being given the opportunity to take part in an Italian regional and restaurant Expo. Research and creativity are key components when learning a language! Visual Arts ​ Participating in our Visual Arts Program allows students at St Peter's the opportunity to experience and explore the concepts of artists, artwork, and audience. Students experiment with ways of expressing ideas and communicating using a range of media. Two- and three-dimensional media and techniques such as drawing, painting, printing, pottery, printing, and collage are developed in weekly sessions. Connections are made to local, national, and international artists as students discover the importance of art in the world around us. They are encouraged to draw on what they know and to develop and practice their skills in a safe space where individuality and creativity are celebrated.

  • School History | St Peter's

    About Us Trust Respect Unity Excellence #TRUE About Us ​ St Peter’s is a co-educational primary school located in the Bedford/Inglewood area of Perth. The school has 750 students from Pre Kindy to Year 6. The school was originally established by the Dominican Sisters in 1941. The school motto Veritas – Truth links us back to our Dominican foundation that was built by the Sisters. The Dominican mission which continues to be ours is to plant the seeds of faith to inform the hearts and minds of students. We aspire to be a place where the beauty and power of the Christian faith is never imposed but proposed in every possible way. ​ School Profile ​ St Peter’s School derives its strength from truth and honesty with God and one another. As we strive to model the love of Jesus, our teaching and learning will reflect the needs and interests of individuals and the community. St Peter's Primary School is a triple-stream, Catholic co-educational primary school situated approximately ten kilometres east of the Perth CBD. The school has an enrolment of approximately 750 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6, and draws the majority of its students from the parish of Bedford/Inglewood. Our vision is for our students to graduate as successful learners and are prepared for the future with a strong faith and the values of trust, respect, unity and excellence. At St Peter’s we derive strength from our motto ‘VERITAS’, meaning truth, which inspires us to learn, achieve and serve in truth. In addition to our motto there are four core values which underpin our school community: Trust, Respect, Unity and Excellence (TRUE). The staff provides an integrated curriculum for all students, with Religious Education as the focus. The curriculum draws together the concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values from the West Australian Curriculum in developing the competencies of critical and creative thinking, personal and social capabilties, and intercultural understanding. There are a range of specialist programs including Music, Drama/Dance, Science, Physical Education, Library, Italian, EMU, Reading Recovery and GATe. St Peter's has successfully endeavoured to establish close ties with the parent and school community, resulting in greater involvement by parents in their child's education, community building and, ultimately, better outcomes for students. The school also enjoys a strong relationship with the local parish. The school endeavours to establish close links with parents that result in: Greater understanding by parents of their children’s schooling Greater understanding by teachers of the students and their needs Better communication between home and school High student morale and confidence More goodwill and mutual esteem between parents and teachers Greater involvement by parents in school activities A happier school School Profile School History ​ The Past ​ ​In the early 1920’s Archbishop Clune was approached in regards to the establishment of a Dominican Foundation in Perth. He already had a number of teaching orders operating within the Archdiocese and although he was in favour of the idea he felt the formation of a new foundation could not be justified. It was not until Archbishop Prenderville was installed that this idea took root. St Peter’s was the first church building to be erected in the new Parish of Bedford Park-Bayswater. The Hall was designed by architects Messrs Howard, Bonner & Tracy and built by contractor Mr G Hallier for under £2000. It was described as well lit and attractively designed and was officially opened in 1938. In Archbishop Prenderville’s opening speech he informed those present that it was his intention to eventually use St Peter’s Church (the current Church Hall) for a school and it had been designed to divide into 3 large classrooms. He also indicated that providing there was adequate enrolments he hoped to one day see a religious foundation established alongside the school. In 1940 the Parish Priest of Bedford Park, Father E. McBride sent a letter to the Archbishop on behalf of his parishioners expressing their desire to open a school. This letter was forwarded onto Mother Vincent Colgan with a note requesting she take on this appeal and make arrangements to erect a Convent as soon as possible. On 24 January 1941 a group of four Dominican Sisters travelled to Bedford Park from Dongara and rented a brick house at 38 Wood Street. When classes began in early 1941 only 26 children attended, which was almost half the expected 50 students the Dominican Sisters had hoped for. This changed quickly with the introduction of various subjects and awards won by the students of St Peter’s. The Hall not only accommodated Primary students in the main area, but also catered for Secondary students in the front room and later even a Music room (The Kitchen area). The construction of the new convent proved to be very difficult as it was one of the most dramatic and worrying periods in Australia’s history with wartime restrictions causing many unforeseen pressures and problems. Eventually on 3rd June 1942 the Dominican Sisters moved into their new convent at 103 Wood Street and it was officially opened on the 7th June by Archbishop Prenderville. This building is now our Administration Block. By the end of 1942, the enrolments were approximately 90 students. As the enrolments continued to climb the need for a larger school became apparent and in July 1953 with an enrolment of 253, including a number of Secondary students, the new St Peter’s School opened. It consisted of five classrooms, an office and a small enclosed hall. This site was located on the adjacent Salisbury Street and remained St Peter’s Primary School until 2006. In 1957 further expansions occurred with the construction of the new Secondary school, St Thomas Aquinas for girls from Years 8-12. The Secondary school was located on Salisbury Street and consisted of three classrooms, an office, two small rooms, a library and a Kindergarten room. Many improvements were made to the school and convent in the 1960’s and 70’s. A new church was built making the old Church the St Peter’s Parish Hall, St Peter’s Primary School and the secondary school St Thomas Aquinas site was re-modelled and grew extensively in size. In 1999 St Peter’s Primary School underwent extensive changes to cater for the larger enrolments. That was to be the final building program at the Salisbury Street site. In late 2001, St Peter’s Primary School and the Bedford Inglewood Parish were advised by the Catholic Education Office that the school would commence operating a second stream, boosting enrolments to over 500 students and therefore requiring a larger site. In 2003, the amalgamated St Thomas and St Marks – Chisholm Catholic College vacated the large secondary site and an extensive building program began to prepare the secondary site as the new St Peter’s Primary School. St Peter’s Church in the Bedford Park – Bayswater Parish went through numerous exciting and interesting challenges. The development, transition and success of the Parish and school were due to the hard work and dedication demonstrated by the Dominican sisters, the Parish Priest and the local community. ​ ​ The Present ​ St Peter’s Primary School is located at 103 Wood Street Inglewood, approximately 6 kilometres north of the CBD. It is a triple streamed, co-educational school with a current enrolment of approximately 750 students from Pre-Kindy to Year 6. The school, which is owned by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, operates under the authority of the Catholic Education Commission through the Catholic Education Office and its Director. It was established by the Dominican Sisters in 1941. Our current site went through an extensive building program in 2005 with our relocation in 2006 from our old site on Salisbury Street. St Peter’s Church is located adjacent to the school and the school holds strong relationships with the Parish and wider community. The current Principal is Mrs Courtney Caputi and the school employs approximately 70 staff. ​ School Name/Patron Saint ​ The school name, St Peter’s Primary School was adopted by the Dominican Sisters in the early 1940’s due to its links to the local Bedford Park – Bayswater (now Bedford/Inglewood) Parish. The Patron Saint of both the Parish and the school is St Peter who was also known as Simon Peter. St Peter was one of the Twelve Apostles whom Jesus chose as his original disciples. His life is prominently featured in the New Testament Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Peter was a Galilean fisherman who was assigned a leadership role by Jesus. The Catholic Church considers Simon Peter a Saint and associates him with the foundation of the Church in Rome. St Peter’s feast day is the 29th June which is also celebrated with St Paul. St Peter is known for his work in continuing the work of Jesus in spreading the good news to the people and is often depicted holding the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. School History

  • Community Calendar | St Peter's

    St Peter's Community Calendar Please click here to view the Term Dates and Pupil Free Days

  • Early Childhood Education | St Peter's

    Trust Respect Unity Excellence #TRUE Early Childhood Education At St Peter's, our Early Years vision is to cultivate confident, creative individuals who embark on lifelong learning journeys. We encourage active participation as informed community members, with a deep appreciation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives. We are dedicated to respecting diverse cultural viewpoints and are committed to creating an inclusive and equitable environment. We embrace holistic education, recognising the interconnectedness of all dimensions of children's learning, including their physical, personal, social, emotional, spiritual and cognitive aspects. We value children's voices, actions and movements in planning and assessment, emphasising the importance of community partnerships and collaborative learning. Our educational approach promotes inquiry and play-based learning as a dynamic process where children wonder, explore, create and problem-solve. We believe in fostering intentional play that expands children's thinking, encourages agency and stimulates neural connections. We acknowledge that children's early learning profoundly influences their educational journeys. By prioritising wellbeing, resilience and engagement, we cultivate a growth mindset and a positive attitude toward learning. We celebrate the holistic nature of children's learning, embracing its complexity and dynamism. Pre Kindy ​ Our Pre Kindy Program focuses on learning through imaginative, cognitive and sensory play, using the indoor and outdoor environment as the classroom. It is a time to explore, and each child is encouraged to make meaning of their world through hands-on experiences. Each child is supported in developing his/her own unique gifts through a child-focused curriculum that acknowledges the whole child and further develops his/her unique capabilities and a love of learning. Children develop their creativity, emotional well-being, sense of belonging and social skills. As we venture on walks through the school to visit the chickens, Prayer Garden, Library and open play spaces, we develop a sense of ‘belonging’ to a larger community. Our program is based on the Early Years Learning Framework and has “a specific emphasis on play-based learning and recognises the importance of communication and language and social and emotional development.” (The Early Years Learning Framework-Belonging, Being and Becoming p.5). We aim to provide a learning environment that caters for the development of each child across the spiritual, social, emotional, language, cognitive, creative and physical domains. The wellbeing of each child is of great importance and we have a wellness session after lunch (in lieu of rest time). Our staff create a caring, safe and stimulating environment that nurtures and encourages each child to investigate, inquire, wonder and engage in nature-based play. We believe that the home-school partnership with our families is very important and we look forward to working together, welcoming conversations and communication. Children can attend Pre Kindy once he/she has turned 3 years of age. Our Pre Kindy session is held every Friday in the school term, between 9am and 2.45pm (classroom doors open at 8.45am). Pre Kindy Information Pre Kindy Booklet St Peter’s welcomes children into our Early Childhood Centre, our focus is to develop the whole child by providing an environment in which children feel they belong through a safe, secure, nurturing and stimulating environment. The Early Years program nurtures the growth and development of each child spiritually, socially, emotionally, cognitively and morally. The program acknowledges the values and beliefs of our children and an awareness of their differences and diversities. We believe in the importance of ‘learning through play’, providing play based experiences that enhance and enrich decision making skills, self-esteem and self-confidence, a sense of responsibility, resilience, good citizenship and respect for others. ​ Parents are the primary educators ​ We acknowledge that parents are their child’s first educators; our role is to support parents on their child’s faith and educational journey through experiences that nurture and develop each child’s sense of wonder and awe of God in their life and the world around them. We foster a strong partnership between home, school, parish and community, this is the is the key to ensure positive and successful learning outcomes for our children . Together we support our children to be, become and belong. We invite parent involvement through class rosters, excursions/ incursions and special events. ​ ​ 1/1 O ur Program ​ Our Early Years program has strong emphasis on high-quality Literacy and Numeracy practices. This is achieved through explicit teaching and the development of critical thinking strategies to support the progress of student’s achievements in these areas. Providing a differentiated curriculum ensures we cater for the needs and capabilities of each child. We believe as educators our role is to provide programs that encourage our children to become happy, confident, active and life-long learners who construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world. Kindergarten Booklet

  • Enrol | St Peter's

    Trust Respect Unity Excellence #TRUE Enrolment & School Fees Thank you for your interest in applying to enrol your child at St Peter’s Primary School. Please complete a Student Enrolment Application Form by downloading the enrolment package. ​ Pre Kindy – your child must be 3 years old prior to commencement ​ Kindergarten – your child must be 4 years old by 30 June of commencement year ​ Pre Primary – your child must be 5 years old by 30 June of commencement year ​ ​Placements will be offered according to the following criteria: ​ Siblings of students already enrolled in the school. Catholic students from within the Parish with a Parish Priest reference. Catholic students from outside the Parish with a Parish Priest reference. Other Catholic Students Children of families with historical links to the school. Non-Catholic students from other Christian denominations. Other non-Catholic students. Enrolment Package Read more > School Fees 2024 Read more > Pre Kindy Information Read more > Pre Kindy Booklet Read more > Kindergarten Booklet Read more > School Tours Term Four - Wednesday 16th October 2024 To make a booking, please contact Liz Cunningham on 9338 9904 or email ​ ​ Enrolments ​ Interviews have concluded for 2025 Kindergarten for children born between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021. Waitlist applications invited. Enrolment applications are invited for 2026 Kindergarten (2025 Pre Kindy) for children born between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022. Interviews will commence in March 2025. ​ ​ Please contact Liz Cunningham, Enrolments Officer, on 9338 9904 if you have any further enquiries. ​ ​ Completed applications are to be submitted: ​ In person 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA 6052 ​ Email ​ Mail PO Box 656, Inglewood WA 6932 Read more >

  • Events | St Peter's Primary

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  • Archived Newsletters | St Peter's Primary

    Archived Newsletters Term Two Term One Term Three Term Four Term 1 - 31 March 2023 Term 1 - 17 March 2023 ​ Term 1 - 3 March 2023 ​ Term 1 - 17 February 2023 Term 2 - 23 June 2023 Term 2 - 09 June 2023 Term 2 - 26 May 2023 Term 2 - 12 May 2023 Term 2 - 28 April 2023 ​ ​ ​ Term 3 - 15 September 2023 Term 3 - 1 September 2023 Term 3 - 18 August 2023 Term 3 - 4 August 2023 Term 3 - 21 July 2023 ​ ​ ​ ​ Term 4 - 8 December 2023 Term 4 - 24 November 2023 Term 4 - 10 November 2023 Term 4 - 27 October 2023 Term 4 - 13 October 2023 ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Staff | St Peter's

    CURRENT STAFF LEADERSHIP TEAM Principal Courtney Caputi Assistant Principal Matt Nettleton Assistant Principal Tanya Holland STUDENT SERVICES Enrolment Officer Elizabeth Cunningham Administration Officers Georgie Bertoldo, Kelly Dalton, Sharon Zanotti Finance Officer Tony Hunter PRE KINDERGARTEN Teacher Jasmine Sinagra Education Assistants Deanna Agnello, Jacqui Law ​ KINDERGARTEN Teachers Saroya Powell, Jacqueline Morgan, Tahlia Gismondi Education Assistants Tia Penny, Gracie Benis, Jodie Jackson, Arabella Pisani, Leanne Traynor-Dutton, Fran Hewitt PRE PRIMARY Teachers Melissa Carosin, Michelle Glanville/Eliza Hardie, Shelley Gaglia/Tanya McGuire Education Assistants Orla Moran, Arabella Pisani, Liana Locantro, Anna Voisey, Jacqui Law, Deanna Agnello, Sam Kamudu, YEAR ONE Teachers Marlie Corble-Robson, Erin Healy, Tia Valentini/Giulia De Rizzo Education Assistants Adriana Pinto, Lorraine Silvi, Tia Penny, Deanna Agnello, Jackson Lamb YEAR TWO Teachers Jessica Healy, Rebecca Kelson, Rebecca Dee Education Assistants Sheryllee McCarthy, Jodie Jackson, Bronwyn Ryan YEAR THREE Teachers Katie Galati/Liz Parker, Emma McHardie, Louise Tonus Education Assistants Tracy Marrapodi, Jackson Lamb ​ YEAR FOUR Teachers Conor Hunter, Beth Tavani, Josephine Carbone Education Assistants Rosa Barclay, Jackson Lamb, Kirstie O'Mara ​ YEAR FIVE Teachers Aoife O'Connell, Jack Uchanski, Monique Du Toit Education Assistants Fran Hewitt, Sam Arnold, Kirstie O'Mara ​ YEAR SIX Teachers Justin Fiume, Elise Galipo, Steve Spencer ​ SUPPORT Anna Voisey, Bronwyn Ryan, Deanna Agnello, Fran Hewitt, Jackson Lamb, EDUCATION ASSISTANTS Jacqui Law, Jodie Jackson, Kirstie O'Mara, Marie Bonne, Sam Arnold, Tia Penny, Beck Lawson ​ ​ LEARNING SUPPORT Bianca Flamini COORDINATOR ​ LITERACY Tanya McGuire LITERACY SUPPORT Josephine Maranta, Jess Peppler, Anna Voisey NUMERACY Emily Welsh COORDINATOR SCIENCE Brian Dobbie ​ VISUAL ARTS Fiona Deane ​ ​ MUSIC Lucian Watkins ​ DANCE/DRAMA Katrina Abreu PHYSICAL EDUCATION Eliza Hardie ITALIAN Alda de Jesus Costa ​ A.Q.U.I.N.A.S Julia O'Meara ​ LIBRARY OFFICER Sharon Zanotti ​ IT SUPPORT Tammy Hunter ​ PSYCHOLOGIST Tarryn Scher CANTEEN Nicole Murray-Pinel, Janine Di Toro ​ GROUNDS & Dimitri Bakarozos MAINTENANCE ​ ​

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